Nursery I- Cares for your child from birth to one year old and gives the children loving care and allows them to become comfortable with the Church surroundings. Cribs and a playroom give you the comfort knowing your childs needs are being met while you worship.
Nursery II- For ages two to four years old, your child is introduced to Jesus Christ and participates in games, videos and arts and crafts. All activities are aimed at teaching your child the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
- Kindergarten to Second Grade
This class offers a structured curriculum to further their knowledge of our Lord. Arts and Crafts and open discussions play a large role in teaching God's Word to the children.
- Second Grade through Fifth Grade
Our programs fall under the purposes of this church. Our staff strives to encourage students in the following: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Evangelism.
This program is geared towards the middle school age children where they study the Bible.
These classes strive to meaningfully enter into student's lives in order to bring about Christ-like maturity. The students study the Bible and are encouraged to have open discussions on the problems they may face in today'ss world.
Classes are offered to meet the needs of today's Christians. You have the option of choosing one that fits your needs.
- Ladies Classes (two classes to choice from)
- Men's Class
- Couples/Singles Class
- Young Adults Class
- E.T.C. (Extended Teaching Care)
This program allows children from nursery age to five years old to meet and learn more about God?s Word during regular worship services. Following the opening of the Sunday morning worship service, the pastor sets aside a few minutes to speak with our children, present a short message to them and have prayer. They can then retire to E.T.C. specifically structured for their needs.
The primary theme of WMU (Women Missionary Union) is to share the gospel with all people that they may come to know God through Jesus Christ. It is an organization for women to come learn more about Jesus Christ and the wonderful gifts that He gives to us each day. WMU also provides excellent avenues for women to share and teach about those gifts and about how Jesus has touched each of their lives.
Antioch is fortunate enough to have had a large and loyal WMU following throughout the years to help support our mission work, and we are grateful for the contributions of the WMU both past and present. We also know that we can count on them for missions support in the future!
What is our purpose?
WMU is a group-based organization for spreading the Good News, for fostering positive spiritual growth, and for assisting missionaries in their work in the field. Our stated mission goals are:
- Praying for and giving to Missions
- Doing mission work (Ministry and Witnessing)
- Learning more about Missions
- Developing spiritually towards a mission-oriented lifestyle
- Participating in the work of the church and the denomination
Monthly Adult Study Groups
The primary theme of WMU is to share the gospel with all peoples that they may come to know God through Jesus Christ. It is an organization for women to come learn more about Jesus Christ and the wonderful gifts that He gives to us each day. WMU also provides excellent avenues for women to share and teach about those gifts and about how Jesus has touched each of their lives.
Antioch is fortunate enough to have had a large and loyal WMU following throughout the years to help support our mission work, and we are grateful for the contributions of the WMU both past and present. We also know that we can count on them for missions support in the future!
Monthly Adult Study Groups
The entire WMU meets the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm at the church. The program is from the Missions Mosaic with the multi-focus option. Aside from this meeting, we also breakout into three smaller groups for more personal spiritual development and study of God's Word.
There are three Women on Misson groups that meet during the month:
- Pearl Clapp Group:
The Pearl Clapp Group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:30am, usually at the home of Mrs. Jeane Hughs. Mission Mosaic is the magazine they use, with the Spiritual Development option program.
- Florence Smith Group:
The Florence Smith Group meets the third Monday of each month in various homes at 7:30pm. Missions Mosaic is the magazine and they use the Bible Study program.
- Elsie Jepsen Group:
The Elsie Jepsen Group meets the third Tuesday of each month in various homes at 7:30pm, and they also use the Missions Mosaic magazine with the Missions Involvement program and videos.
Age-Level Organizations
Aside from our three main groups of ladies, we also have groups that are specific to certain age groups.
- Acteens:
Acteens is for girls in grades 7-12. They meet the second and fourth Sunday each month at 11:00am during worship service.
- Girls in Action:
The Girls in Action group, also known as the GAs, is for girls in grades 1-6. They meet on the first and third Sunday of each month at 11:00am during worship service.
- Mission Friends:
Mission Friends is a group designed for girls in preschool, up until age 5. This group meets twice a month on differing Sundays.
- Royal Ambassadors:
Royal Ambassadors, or RAs, is for boys in grades 1-6. This group meets the first and third Sundays at 11:00am during worship service. Although this group is not part of the WMU, we do promote them.
Mission Support
The WMU has a monthly project which is promoted church-wide. Age-level organizations have their own projects in addition to the main WMU project.
- Week of Prayer for International Missions & Lottie Moon Christmas Offering:
The Week of Prayer for International Missions & Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is usually held the first week in December with various activites and meetings.
- Week of Prayer for North American Missions and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering:
The Week of Prayer for North American Missions and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is held in March of each year with various activities and meetings during the week.
- Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions:
The Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions is held during the month of September.
- Associational Missions Emphasis Week of Prayer:
The Associational Missions Emphasis Week of Prayer is held during the month of May each year and is promoted church-wide.